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Interim Budget 2024-2025

[…] of raising funds through taxes. What items are included in the interim Budget?   The interim Budget includes estimates for government expenditure, revenue, fiscal deficit, and financial performance for…

Interim Budget 2024-2025
Union Budget 2023-24|The Vision for Amrit Kaal

[…] MILE New ‘Aspirational Blocks Programme’: Building on the success of the Aspirational Districts Programme, the Aspirational Blocks Programme was recently launched covering 500 blocks. It is aimed at improving the performance of…

BUDGET 2023-24
Fiscal Year

[…] temporal framework streamlines the planning process and facilitates a more comprehensive financial health assessment. In reporting and analysis, the fiscal year is a standardized period for evaluating performance, offering…

Fiscal Year
Budget 2022 A Charismatic One

The Union Finance Minister announced the Budget 2022 with a flurry of Reforms focusing towards building up the capital expenditure in the country. We will be focusing on a few…

Financial Modelling: Complete Guide To Learn Financial Modelling

What Is Financial Modelling? Financial modelling is the process of estimating the financial performance of a project or business by taking into account all relevant factors, growth and risk assumptions,…

Financial Modelling
How To Analyse Equity Mutual Fund

Investing in mutual fund is a popular choice for individuals. It provides diversified and professionally managed investment portfolio. Assessing the performance of mutual fund is a critical aspect of successful…

Equity Mutual Fund

[…] control ledgers help prevent errors and discrepancies in subsidiary ledgers. Sales Ledger: Explanation: Focuses specifically on sales-related transactions, tracking customer accounts and receivables. Purpose: Enables businesses to monitor sales performance, outstanding…

Cost Accounting

[…] (CVP) Analysis Definition: CVP analysis examines the relationships between costs, production volume, sales, and profits. It helps organizations understand the impact of various factors on their financial performance. Process:…

Cost Accounting
Drawing Account

[…] disputes over the distribution of profits and the management of the Drawing Account. Confusion in Financial Analysis: Mixing personal withdrawals with business transactions can obscure the actual financial performance of…

Drawing Account
Bank Guarantee

[…] to a third party, referred to as the beneficiary. Essentially, it acts as a safety net, offering assurance to the beneficiary that they will receive compensation or performance as…

Bank Guarantee