How to Pay Off Debt Faster

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 14 Feb, 2024 06:14 PM IST


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Financial stress is not the only negative impact of debt. A big chunk of each paycheck going towards paying off debt can also make daily life less fun. You will save money by paying off debt sooner. However, you will also have more time to concentrate on your longer-term financial objectives.

7 ways to pay off debt fast

It is critical for anyone who is struggling with debt to find ways to pay it off quickly so you can achieve financial freedom. Here are seven tried-and-true methods you can try if you are wondering about how to pay off debt faster.

1. Pay more than the minimum payment every month

If you are thinking about how to clear debt fast, then overpaying your monthly debt payments is a smart financial move with many benefits. Avoiding interest is one of the main benefits of paying more than the minimum. When you pay more, the original balance decreases faster, which means you pay less in interest over time. 

Paying the minimum amount only prolongs the time it takes to settle your debts. By paying more, you speed up the process of paying off your debt, reaching debt-free status faster. Making on-time payments on bigger debts will help your credit score

Improving your credit score makes you more creditworthy, which makes it easier to get loans or credit cards with low interest rates in the future. Paying off debt faster can help you become financially free. 

When you pay off your debt, you get more money to spend on other things, save, or trade. Long-term debt can get you stuck if you only make the minimum payments. This pattern causes interest to keep adding up, and it's possible to pay a lot more than what was taken. Over time, you can save money by breaking this loop and paying more than the minimum.

2. Tackle high-interest debts with the avalanche method

If you are worrying about how to clear debt fast, consider getting rid of high-interest debts quickly and cheaply with the debt avalanche method. Use this method to put your debts in order from lowest to highest interest rates. Pay the debt with the greatest rate of interest off first, and then make the minimum payments on the other bills. For a cascade effect, move the money from the highest-interest debt to the next highest-interest debt as soon as the first one is paid off.
By focusing on the most expensive debt, this method works to lower the total interest burden. It saves you money over time and speeds up the process of getting out of debt. Eliminating high-interest debts one by one gives you financial energy and the drive to keep paying off your debts. When it comes to optimising your debt repayment plan and lowering your interest costs, the debt avalanche method is the best choice.

3. Set up a payment plan

A payment plan, which adds structure and discipline to the process, is a wise financial decision you can make if you are thinking about how to get rid of debt fast. With a payment plan, you can organise your debts and make sure that each is paid off logically. Setting forth monthly debt obligations makes budgeting easier and helps you divide your resources correctly. 

Regular payments made according to a plan build a good credit history, eventually leading to a higher credit score. Also, you can show your creditors a written payment plan that shows you are serious about paying back the debt. This could be an opportunity to work out a better interest rate or other conditions for repayment.

4. Put extra money toward paying off your debts

If the thought of how to get rid of debt fast worries you, try paying down your debts with additional cash. This smart financial decision can quicken the route to financial independence. By using extra money to pay off debt, you can lower the capital you owe faster, stopping interest from building up. In the long run, this will save you money and reduce the time it takes to repay the loan. 

You can break free from debt, which gives you financial freedom, lowers your stress, and lets you put money towards savings, investments, or other financial goals. It's a proactive move towards a more safe and without-debt financial future.

5. Start a side hustle

Creating a side business can help you pay off debt more quickly because it adds another source of income. You can use the extra money you make from a side job to pay off your bills faster by charging them first. You can use your skills and time to make money with a side hustle, whether freelancing, coaching, or working on a project you're interested in. 

The extra money not only speeds up paying off debt but also allows for unexpected costs to be covered, which means less reliance on credit. By working a side job and sticking to a budget, people can get out of debt faster, feel less stressed about money, and build a stronger financial future.

6. Limit unnecessary spending

Spending less on things you don't need is important for getting out of debt faster because it frees up money that can be used to pay off bills. Lowering the total amount of your debts faster is possible if you spend less on things that aren't necessary. This organised method shortens the time it takes to pay off debt and lowers the total amount of interest paid. 

By making a budget and separating needs from wants, people can decide which debts to pay off first, which can lead to financial freedom. Thus, your only answer to this question of how to pay off debt faster is cutting back on spending that isn't necessary.

7. Don't let your debt hit collections

Due to serious penalties, it is vital to avoid debt reaching collections to return the loan quickly. Once a debt is sent to collectors, it hurts your credit score a lot, making it harder to get loans in the future. It gets harder to negotiate good terms, and extra fees keep adding up, which makes it harder to pay back. 

Following legal steps, such as court judgments and wage garnishments, may make the financial situation worse. The negative effect stays on your credit report for years, which makes it harder for you to get loans. It gets harder to get new credit, and job and housing options may be at risk. If you can keep bills from going to collections, you can pay them off faster, more easily, and for less money.

How fast does your credit score go up after paying debt?

Eliminating debt is a huge financial victory that may affect your credit score. You may wonder how long it takes for those changes to appear on your credit record. It varies; that's the answer. Checking your credit score may not show changes for days or even weeks. After repaying a loan, watch for a rise in your credit score over the course of 30 to 45 days.


You can pay off your debt faster if you plan, are disciplined, and take the initiative. Indians can handle their money problems by making a thorough budget, focusing on debts with high-interest rates, and researching options such as balance transfers and debt consolidation. To pay off debt faster and get on the road to financial independence, it is a good idea to negotiate for lower interest rates, make good use of windfalls, and generate more money.
Remember that it's important to stick to your plan to pay off your debt and make smart financial choices. Remember that you can get out of debt and build a better financial future if you are determined and use the right tactics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Making a budget to better manage your money, focusing on high-interest debts to pay them off faster, and thinking about debt consolidation to make managing multiple debts easier are the 3 best ways to get out of debt. These methods can help lower your overall interest costs, help you pay off your debt faster, and give you a structured way to get out of debt.

A common advice for paying off debt is to start with the loan with the highest interest rate and work your way down. This strategy, called the "debt avalanche method," lowers the total interest cost. For a mental boost, you can use the debt snowball method to pay off your smallest bill first. Select the approach that fits with your cash objectives and driving forces.

Whether you should save money or pay off debt relies on your personal finances. Here are some things to think about: It's usually a good idea to pay off your high-interest debt first, especially if it's credit card debt. Before you start paying off your debt quickly, make sure you have a backup fund set up. By saving money, you can avoid taking on more debt in case of emergencies. You can also set aside some of your cash to pay off debt and save for short- and long-term financial goals. We suggest looking at your overall finances and priorities and making a plan that fits your wants and objectives.