API Market Place

Arthalab Solutions

Journey to Financial freedom.

Arthalab brings unique Options trading platform where you can use every options trading strategy in the world.

Also you can build your custom multi-leg options strategy as you want.

You can also configure Daily max MTM profit, Max MTM loss so you always stay within predictable limits.  High grade risk protection applied to ensure your bot started properly, sanity checks to check if bot working properly & take remedial actions, maintain your risk is predictable and limited as per configuration.

Description about 5paisa integration

Arthalab Solutions is integrated with 5paisa smoothly and you can directly login into platform by selecting 5paisa broker & you will be redirected to 5paisa for authentication. Once you login by your usual 5paisa credentials , your account will be auto linked in platform & nothing more is required.

Products and offerings

-Premium Bots templates: Arthalab offers some premium Bot templates which are most widely used in the world. New traders can take benefit of these bots standard configuration. Choose right bot to suit your risk and segment & deploy in 3 clicks.

- Custom Bots:  Arthalab offers custom bot builder where you can build your own Options trading bot, decide your strike price, options CE/PE, entry time, exit time, daily MTM take profit, daily MTM loss booking, lot size, etc.