Smart Investor

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Smart tool with smart features

Model Portfolio

Model Portfolio is a list of stocks hand-picked by dedicated team of Research analyst at MarketSmith India.

Idea list

It has multiple lists having top performing stocks under different buckets. The prime among them is the Growth 50 list which has stocks that are empirically tested and have strong fundamentals and sound base patterns.

CANSLIM Approach

Gives you our daily and weekly analysis of the Indian market which gives you an idea as to whether the current market is helping or hurting the growth stocks.


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*Costs ₹1600/month if purchased from MarketSmith

Power Investor Pack! ₹499/month

What you get?

  • “Smart Investor product” for - Stock updates regarding intraday and short term trading
  • “Smart Investor product” for - Long Term investment
  • Advanced portfolio Analysis - Compare your portfolio performance with benchmark indices, sector concentration and much more
  • FREE model portfolio and list hot stocks to watch out for
Power Investor Pack!

What is Smart Investor? And How to use it?

Learn more about the features of Smart Investor

This feature is provided in partnership with Marketsmith India, a Research & advisory company founded by legendary US investor & author William J. O'Neil. 'CAN SLIM' is an acroynm & each letter represents one of the seven major characteristics that Neil identified. He did a comprehensive study of the greatest winning stocks spanning the past 125 years. He then put together a set of common characteristics to these past market leaders and coined the term CAN SLIM.

  • C

    Current Quarterly Earnings

    Look for stocks with big earnings in their latest reported period. The bigger, the better.

  • a

    Annual Earnings Growth

    You want to see annual earnings growth of at least 25% for each of the last 3 years.

  • N

    New Product, Service, Management or Price High

    The biggest CAN SLIM winners had something NEW! New products, ew services, new leadership, new price high or a new condition in the industry.

  • L

    Leader or Laggard

    True leaders are those companies showing the best earnings growth, strongest sales, superior price performance and are in LEADING industry groups.

  • S

    Supply and Demand

    One of the most basic economic principles is the law of supply and demand which is most sharply demonstrated in the stock market.

  • m

    Market Direction

    tudy shows 3 out of 4 stocks follow the market’s trend, so you always want to trade in sync with the market.

  • i

    Institutional Sponsorship

    Mutual funds, banks, and other professional investors are the big players that drive the market.

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