GST on Cement

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 16 May, 2023 10:59 AM IST


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The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive tax reform implemented in India in July 2017, aimed at simplifying the tax structure and reducing the cascading effect of taxes. The cement industry, being a crucial sector for the Indian economy, was not left untouched by the GST. The introduction of GST has had a significant impact on the cement industry, affecting the pricing, demand, and supply of cement products in the market.


What is GST on Cement?

GST on cement refers to the tax imposed on cement products under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime in India. Under GST, cement is classified under the 28% tax slab, with an additional cess of 12%. This means that the total GST rate for cement products is 28% + (12% of 28%) = 31.36%

Before the implementation of GST, there were multiple taxes applicable to cement products, such as Excise Duty, VAT, and Central Sales Tax. The introduction of GST has simplified the tax structure for cement products, making it easier for cement manufacturers and sellers to comply with the tax laws.

However, the high GST rate on cement has been a cause of concern for the cement industry as it has increased the cost of production and reduced the profit margins. The high GST rate has also led to an increase in the price of cement products, affecting the demand and supply in the market.

To address the concerns of the cement industry, the government has made some changes to the GST rates for cement products, such as reducing the GST rate for cement used in affordable housing from 28% to 18%. The government has also taken measures to improve the infrastructure and reduce transportation costs for cement products, which can help in reducing the overall cost of production and increase the competitiveness of the industry.

Impact of GST on the Cement Industry

The impact of GST on the cement industry has been significant, affecting various aspects of the industry, including pricing, demand, and supply. Here are some of the key impacts of GST on the cement industry:

1.    Increase in the cost of production: The high GST rate of 28% for cement products, along with the additional cess of 12%, has increased the cost of production for cement manufacturers. This has led to a reduction in profit margins for the industry.

2.    Increase in the price of cement products: The high GST rate has also led to an increase in the price of cement products, affecting the demand for cement in the market. This has been a major concern for the construction industry, which is a major consumer of cement.

3.    Reduction in the tax burden: Despite the high GST rate, the introduction of GST has simplified the tax structure for cement products. This has reduced the tax burden for cement manufacturers and sellers, as they no longer have to comply with multiple taxes.

4.    Increase in compliance costs: The introduction of GST has also led to an increase in compliance costs for the cement industry, as they have to ensure that they comply with the new tax laws.

5.    Change in demand and supply: The impact of GST on the demand and supply of cement products has been mixed. While the high GST rate has led to a reduction in demand for cement products, the simplification of the tax structure and reduction in tax burden has led to an increase in the supply of cement products in the market.

Overall, the impact of GST on the cement industry has been mixed, with both positive and negative impacts. While the high GST rate has been a cause of concern for the industry, the simplification of the tax structure and reduction in tax burden can be seen as positive steps towards improving the competitiveness of the industry.

Transportation cost

Transportation cost refers to the cost incurred in transporting goods from one place to another. In the context of the cement industry, transportation cost plays a significant role in determining the overall cost of production and pricing of cement products.

The transportation cost of cement products can vary depending on the distance between the manufacturing unit and the destination, the mode of transport used, and the availability of infrastructure such as roads, ports, and railways. The cost of transportation can also be influenced by external factors such as fuel prices, taxes, and regulations.

The transportation cost of cement products is a major concern for the cement industry as it can impact the profit margins and competitiveness of the industry. To address this concern, the government has taken measures such as improving the infrastructure and reducing the taxes on transportation. 

Additionally, the industry has also explored alternative modes of transportation, such as using waterways and rail transport to reduce transportation costs. Overall, reducing the transportation cost of cement products can help in increasing the competitiveness of the industry and ensure affordable pricing of cement products.



Warehousing is the process of storing goods in a facility or building known as a warehouse. In the context of the cement industry, warehousing plays a crucial role in ensuring the timely delivery of cement products to customers.

Cement manufacturers and sellers use warehouses to store cement products before they are transported to the final destination. Warehouses are equipped with facilities such as storage racks, loading docks, and security systems to ensure the safe storage of cement products.

Warehousing also plays a significant role in managing the inventory of cement products. By storing the products in a warehouse, manufacturers and sellers can keep track of the number of cement products available and plan the production and supply accordingly.

In addition to storage and inventory management, warehousing can also help in reducing the transportation costs of cement products. By storing the products closer to the final destination, transportation costs can be reduced, leading to cost savings for the industry.

Overall, warehousing is an essential component of the cement industry, playing a crucial role in ensuring the timely delivery of cement products to customers, managing inventory, and reducing transportation costs.


GST Calculation on Cement

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) calculation on cement products involves the application of a GST rate of 28%, along with an additional cess of 12%. The total GST rate for cement products, therefore, comes to 28% + (12% of 28%) = 31.36%.

To calculate the GST on cement products, the following formula can be used:

GST Amount = (Original Cost * GST Rate) / 100

For example, if the original cost of cement is Rs. 100 per bag, the GST amount can be calculated as follows:

GST Amount = (100 * 31.36) / 100 = Rs. 31.36

The total cost of the cement bag including GST would be Rs. 100 + Rs. 31.36 = Rs. 131.36.

However, the government has made some changes to the GST rates for cement products in certain categories. For instance, the GST rate for cement used in affordable housing has been reduced from 28% to 18%. Similarly, the GST rate for cement used for the construction of metro and monorail projects has been reduced from 28% to 12%.

To calculate the GST amount for cement products in these categories, the revised GST rate can be used in the above formula.

In conclusion, the calculation of GST on cement products involves the application of a 28% GST rate and a 12% cess, with certain categories having revised GST rates. The GST calculation is essential for cement manufacturers and sellers to comply with the tax laws and ensure the correct pricing of their products.

Impact of GST on Cement Manufacturing Companies

The implementation of GST has had a significant impact on the cement manufacturing companies in India. The introduction of a unified tax system has led to a reduction in the complexities of taxation and has created a more transparent and efficient tax regime.

The GST has streamlined the tax system and eliminated the cascading effect of taxes, resulting in a reduction in the overall tax burden on cement manufacturers. This has helped in reducing the cost of production and making cement products more affordable for consumers.

However, the implementation of GST has also resulted in an increase in the compliance burden for cement manufacturing companies. The companies need to comply with various regulations related to GST, including registration, filing of returns, and payment of taxes.


Current GST Trends and Real Estate Industry

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has had a significant impact on the real estate industry in India since its implementation. Some current GST trends that are affecting the industry include:

1.    Reduction in GST rates: The government has reduced the GST rates for affordable housing from 8% to 1% and for other housing projects from 12% to 5%. This reduction in GST rates has made homes more affordable for buyers and boosted real estate demand.

2.    Input tax credit (ITC): The government has disallowed ITC on GST paid for certain construction-related inputs. This has increased construction costs and impacted real estate developers' profitability.

3.    Compliance burden: Real estate developers are required to comply with various GST regulations, including registration, filing of returns, and payment of taxes. This has increased the compliance burden for developers, leading to additional costs.

Overall, the current GST trends in the real estate industry are aimed at boosting demand, reducing the cost of construction, and simplifying the tax system. However, the compliance burden remains a challenge for the industry, which needs to be addressed to fully realize the benefits of GST.



The GST has simplified the tax system and reduced the overall tax burden on the cement industry, but compliance remains a challenge. The real estate industry is also impacted by GST, with current trends aimed at boosting demand, reducing construction costs, and simplifying the tax system.

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