What is Corporate Action?

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 17 Mar, 2023 05:26 PM IST


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Corporate action definition includes terms such as dividends, mergers, stock splits, and spinoffs, which can either propel a firm to new heights of success or cause a significant shift in the market environment. Understanding the effects of company actions has become more crucial than ever before for investors, analysts, and traders alike in today's fast-paced and always-changing environment.

The financial market's pulse is provided by corporate activity, which controls the rise and fall of investment choices and determines the financial destiny of both corporations and their shareholders.

What is Meant by Corporate Action?

Shareholders get impacted by some activities like stock splits, dividends, mergers, acquisitions, right issues, spinoffs etc., in various ways, including changes to their ownership percentage, voting rights, or the amount of cash or stock they receive.

Business decisions must be made with regulatory approval and are frequently communicated in advance. Any action taken by a corporation that affects its shareholders or/and its financial status is referred to as a corporate action.

There are three corporate actions: 1) Mandatory, 2) Mandatory but with choices, and 3) Voluntary.
As the name suggests, shareholders have no choice about their involvement; it is essential to development.
Mandatory with choices is where the board of directors carries out an action but gives shareholders a choice of options

Voluntary is where each shareholder willingly participates in the action to develop their firms.

The board of directors of the corporation begins a mandatory action. For instance, mergers and stock splits may be included. Shareholders are beneficiaries of these acts even if they are not required to take any action.

On the other hand, a voluntary event happens when shareholders choose to participate in an activity. Without the shareholders' reaction, the corporation cannot do action in this situation. A few instances of voluntary acts are rights issues and open offers.

Understanding Corporate Action

Understanding corporate action meaning is crucial for owners, strategists, and brokers who wish to make smart choices regarding their investments in listed firms. Corporate decisions can dramatically impact the value of a company's shares and prospective profits for its owners. For example, Companies frequently use dividends to distribute profits to their shareholders. 

Shareholders have two options when a company declares a dividend: take the payout in cash or reinvest it in its stock. This choice may impact the shareholder's future profits, tax obligations, and investment strategy. Stock splits, spinoffs, mergers and acquisitions impact organisations' overall development. 

Hence, your knowledge of corporate actions must be up-to-date to optimise the returns in the all-dynamic market. Investors can better comprehend a company's value and make wise investment selections by keeping up with corporate statements and tracking the market's reaction to these activities. 

A wide variety of actions can be categorised as corporate actions. Some examples are: 

1.    Altering a company's name or brand's appearance
2.    Taking care of important financial matters
3.    Acquiring or merging with another business
4.    Creating spinoff businesses.

Types Of Corporate Actions

A publicly traded corporation may take several corporate activities, each affecting the company's shareholders and financial situation differently. A few are given below:

Dividends and Stock Splits:

Two frequent corporate activities that can greatly impact shareholders and a company's financial situation are dividends and stock splits.
Dividends are payments a firm provides to its shareholders, typically in the form of a profit distribution that heavily relies on the investor's return on investment. Contrarily, a stock split is a corporate decision that lowers the price per share while raising the total number of shares in circulation in a corporation.
A firm's financial health and share price can be affected through dividends, and stock splits, respectively. Businesses may decide to split their shares or pay dividends to reward shareholders, boost their financial performance, or increase investor interest in their stock.

Mergers and Acquisitions:

M&As are corporate transactions in which two businesses merge to form a new entity, or one business buys another. When two businesses that are comparatively the same size combine to establish a new, larger firm, this is known as a merger.
In this instance, shares of the new firm are normally distributed to owners of the two companies according to a predetermined ratio. By generating synergies, cutting expenses, and boosting market share, mergers can benefit both businesses.
Contrarily, acquisitions take place when one business purchases another. In this scenario, owners of the acquired firm would see an increase in the price they paid for their shares, whilst shareholders of the acquiring company might see an increase in revenue and market share.

Rights Issues And Bonus Issues:

Two popular corporate actions businesses may take to raise money, or reward shareholders are rights issues and bonuses. An offering in which a business grants current shareholders the option to buy additional shares at a reduced price is known as a rights issue. On the other hand, a bonus issue is a sort of offering in which a corporation gives away free additional shares to its current owners. Typically according to a predefined ratio, shareholders receive more shares based on the shares they already possess. Rights and bonus issues can impact a firm's financial health and share price.

Tender Offers And Buybacks:

A tender offer is a sort of offering in which a business proposes to pay a higher price to its shareholders in exchange for a predetermined number of shares. Shareholders may opt to accept or reject the offer, and the offer usually includes a deadline by which they must do so.
A corporation may choose to repurchase its shares on the open market as part of a buyback programme, sometimes referred to as a share repurchase plan. Boosting earnings per share may lower the total number of outstanding shares while potentially raising the value of the remaining shares.

Spinoffs And Carve-outs:

Two corporate actions that require severing a subsidiary or business unit from a parent firm are spinoffs and carve-outs.
A spinoff is a type of corporate activity when a firm separates a subsidiary or business unit from the parent company to form a new, independent company. Shares of the new firm, which later becomes a distinct, publicly listed corporation, are often distributed to parent company shareholders.
A carve-out is a corporate action when a firm sells a portion of a subsidiary or business unit to the general public or a private investor while keeping a stake in the company. Often, the carved-out business becomes a distinct, publicly traded entity.

Corporate Actions and Shareholder Value:

The financial performance of the organisation is greatly impacted by the factors above. Investors should generally keep up with corporate developments and be aware of any potential effects on shareholder value. But, it's crucial to remember that business decisions can also come with considerable dangers, so investors should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages before investing.

Regulatory Framework for Corporate Actions:

Depending on the nation and location a corporation operates, several regulatory frameworks apply to corporate actions. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the 2013 Companies Act in India regulate the legal environment for business actions.

This supports accountability, fairness, and transparency.

Corporate Action Processing and Timelines:

Date of Announcement: This is the day the business publishes its corporate activity. Press releases, and regulatory filings, could be used to accomplish this.

Ex-Date: This is the day the security starts trading without having the option to be notified of corporate action.

Record Date: The corporation uses this data to identify whose shareholders have the right to receive corporate action.

Date of Payment: This is the day the business pays the dividend or takes other corporate action.
Investors can learn these through regulatory filings, company websites, brokers, or financial advisors.

Impact of Corporate Actions on Financial Markets:

All of these elements—dividends, stock splits, mergers, and acquisitions—impact the company's stock price positively and negatively. That could result in a sharp price increase and a decrease in some situations. Investors should be aware of corporate developments and how they can affect their securities.

Corporate Actions and Investment Strategies:

Investment strategy may be impacted by corporate activity in a variety of ways. For instance, a business declaring a dividend might offer stockholders a reliable revenue stream. Investors interested in income methods could search for firms with a track record of consistently paying dividends or those with high dividend yields. The same is true for stock splits, mergers, and spinoffs.

Corporate Action Announcements and Disclosures

Investors should pay attention to corporate action releases and announcements because they contain information about developments that could affect their securities. These factors are to be kept in mind: 
●       Timeliness
●       Transparency
●       Materiality
●       Information Accessibility
Before making any investment decisions relating to corporate actions, investors should carefully consider this information and speak with their financial advisors.

Tax Implications of Corporate Action:

Investors may be affected by the tax consequences of corporate actions on their investment returns. Dividends are split into shares, purchases and mergers; Spinoffs can directly or indirectly impact tax consequences. The appropriate action for each investor's unique tax position should be discussed with their tax counsellor or financial planner.


Corporate actions are crucial to investing because they educate investors about major developments that could affect their securities. Investors should be aware of the corporate actions definition or corporate action meaning since they may affect the value of their investments and necessitate making choices about buying, selling, or holding shares. In a dynamic, ever-evolving world, companies use corporate actions to manage their capital structure, reward shareholders, and enhance their financial performance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Corporate action aims to enable internal changes that may influence a company's stock value and shareholder rights. It also helps in the accomplishment of several objectives, such as raising capital, returning capital to shareholders, restructuring the company, and enhancing liquidity. Therefore it becomes easier for investors to buy and sell shares.

The exact type of action being done determines whether it qualifies for corporate action. Investors who own stock in a firm taking corporate action are typically eligible to participate.

RTA stands for Registrar & Transfer Agent of Corporation, a corporation hired to maintain a list of the company's issued stocks and bonds holders.

One option accessible to a corporation looking to raise cash is to issue new shares to the current shareholders. Existing shareholders can purchase a set number of additional company shares at a specified price within a specified period in such an issue. This price is typically lower than the going rate. The goal is to reward current shareholders with a perceived attractive investment opportunity.

Depending on the type of activity being conducted, the lifecycle may differ, but it often consists of the following stages:
●       Announcement
●       Record date
●       Ex-date
●       Election Date
●       Payment date
●       Settlement date