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Last Updated: 27 May, 2024 05:32 PM IST


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This guide delves into the intricacies of ITR-3, the income tax return form used by individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) with income from business or profession. We'll explore what it is, who needs to file it, deadlines, required documents, filing procedures, and crucial aspects like recent changes and comparisons with other forms.

What Is The ITR-3 Form?

The Income Tax Department of India mandates individuals and HUFs to file income tax returns (ITRs) annually. Among various ITR forms available, ITR-3 serves a specific purpose. It caters to individuals and HUFs deriving income from business or profession. Often referred to as a "comprehensive" form, ITR-3 allows reporting of income from all potential sources, making it suitable for those with diverse income streams beyond salary.

Who Needs To File ITR-3 Form?

Not everyone needs to file ITR-3. Here's a breakdown of who should utilize this form:

  • Individuals with Business or Professional Income: If you're an individual earning income through a business or profession, such as a proprietorship, consultancy, or freelance work, ITR-3 is the designated form for you.
  • Individuals Not Eligible for ITR-1, ITR-2, or ITR-4: The Income Tax Department offers various ITR forms catering to different income profiles. If your income scenario doesn't qualify for the simpler ITR-1 (Sahaj), ITR-2, or ITR-4 (Sugam) forms, which are meant for salaried individuals, pensioners, or those with income from house property and interest, then ITR-3 becomes the appropriate choice.

Examples of Individuals Who Should File ITR-3:

  • Shopkeepers and traders
  • Consultants and freelancers (doctors, lawyers, architects, etc.)
  • Authors and artists
  • Individuals earning rental income from commercial properties

It's important to note that the specific ITR form you need depends on your income sources. Consulting a tax professional can ensure you choose the right form.

What Is The Due Date To File ITR-3 Form?

The due date for filing ITR-3 hinges on whether your business accounts require an audit by a chartered accountant:

  • Non-audit cases: For individuals and HUFs whose business accounts don't necessitate an audit, the due date to file ITR-3 is July 31st.
  • Accounts requiring audit: If your business transactions are complex or exceed a certain threshold, an audit by a chartered accountant becomes mandatory. In such cases, the due date for filing ITR-3 is extended to October 31st.

Remember, timely filing of ITR-3 is crucial to avoid penalties and interest charges.

Documents Required For ITR-3 Form

The specific documents you'll need to file ITR-3 can vary depending on your individual circumstances and the nature of your business or profession. However, some commonly required documents include:

PAN Card: Your Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a mandatory document for all ITR filings.
Aadhaar Card (if applicable): While not strictly mandatory for everyone, possessing an Aadhaar card can expedite the filing process and e-verification.
Bank statements: Bank statements from all your savings and current accounts associated with your business or professional activities will be needed.
Investment proofs: If you have any investments, such as stocks, mutual funds, or fixed deposits, ensure you have the relevant investment proofs.
Business income and expenditure records: This is a crucial set of documents. Maintain detailed records of your business income (sales, receipts) and expenses (purchases, salaries, rent, etc.) throughout the financial year. These records will be used to accurately compute your taxable income.

In addition to the above, you may need other documents depending on your specific situation. Consulting a tax professional can help you identify any additional documentation requirements.

How To File ITR 3?

There are two primary ways to file ITR-3:

  • Electronically on the Income Tax Department's website: This method is convenient, efficient, and allows for immediate submission. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1.    Register on the Income Tax Department website: If you haven't already, register on the Income Tax Department's e-filing portal ( You'll need your PAN card, Aadhaar card (optional but recommended), and other basic details for registration.
2.    Login and Choose ITR Form: Once registered, log in to the e-filing portal using your PAN and password. Select the "Income Tax Return" option and choose the appropriate ITR form (ITR-3 in this case) for the relevant assessment year (AY).
3.    Fill Out ITR-3 Form: The online portal provides a guided interface for filling out ITR-3. Carefully enter all required details in the designated sections. These sections typically cover your personal information, income details (business/profession, salary, capital gains, etc.), deductions, taxes paid, and other relevant information.
4.    Upload Documents (Optional): While not mandatory in all cases, you can upload scanned copies of supporting documents like bank statements, investment proofs, or business income/expenditure records for better record-keeping and potential future reference.
5.    Review and Submit: Once you've filled out all sections and uploaded any necessary documents, thoroughly review your ITR-3 for any errors or omissions. Once satisfied, submit the form electronically.

  • Through a tax filing professional: Tax professionals like chartered accountants or tax consultants can assist you with the ITR-3 filing process. They can guide you through the online filing procedure, ensure accuracy in your filing, and answer any questions you may have. Here's what to expect:

1.    Gather Documents: Provide your tax professional with all the necessary documents mentioned earlier (PAN card, bank statements, business records, etc.).
2.    Discuss Income and Deductions: Discuss your income sources, deductions you're eligible for, and any other relevant details with your tax professional.
3.    Tax Professional Fills and Submits: Based on the information you provide, your tax professional will fill out the ITR-3 form on your behalf and submit it electronically. They will also handle the e-verification process.
Whichever method you choose, ensure you e-verify your ITR-3 after submission. E-verification confirms the authenticity of your filing and is mandatory for successful ITR processing.

Significant Changes In ITR 3 Form For AY 2023-24 And Ay 2024-25

The Income Tax Department periodically revises ITR forms to reflect changes in tax laws or reporting requirements. Staying updated on these modifications is essential for accurate filing. Here's how to ensure you have the latest information:

  • Refer to the Income Tax Department website: The official Income Tax Department website ( publishes updates and notifications regarding ITR forms. Regularly checking this website keeps you informed about any new inclusions or modifications to ITR-3 for the relevant assessment year (AY).
  • Consult a tax professional: Tax professionals possess in-depth knowledge of tax regulations and ITR forms. Consulting a chartered accountant or tax consultant can provide valuable guidance on any recent changes specific to ITR-3 for the AY you're filing for.

Remember, it's your responsibility to ensure you're filing using the most up-to-date version of the ITR-3 form.

ITR 3 Vs ITR 4

Both ITR-3 and ITR-4 are ITR forms used by individuals, but they cater to distinct income profiles. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:


ITR-3: Designed for individuals and HUFs with income from business or profession.
ITR-4 (Sugam): Aimed at individuals with income from salary, pensions, interest income, and house property. It's a simpler form compared to ITR-3.income

Income Sources:

ITR-3: Allows reporting of income from all sources, including business/profession, salary, capital gains, house property, etc.
ITR-4: Restricted to income from salary, pensions, interest, and house property.


ITR-3: More comprehensive form with detailed sections for business/profession income reporting.
ITR-4: Simpler form with fewer sections, suitable for salaried individuals with straightforward income sources.

Choosing the right ITR form depends on your income sources. If you have business or professional income, ITR-3 is the mandatory form. For salaried individuals with no business income, ITR-4 might be a suitable option.


Understanding ITR-3 and its filing requirements ensures you fulfill your tax obligations accurately and on time. Here's a quick recap:

  • ITR-3 is for individuals and HUFs with business or professional income.
  • The due date for filing depends on audit requirements (July 31st for non-audit, October 31st for audit).
  • Gather necessary documents like PAN card, bank statements, and business income/expenditure records.
  • You can file electronically on the Income Tax Department website or through a tax professional.
  • Stay updated on any changes to ITR-3 for the relevant assessment year.

For a stress-free filing experience, consider consulting a tax professional for personalized guidance. They can assist you in choosing the right form, understanding complex sections, and ensuring accurate tax computation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can conveniently file ITR-3 electronically on the Income Tax Department's website (

Yes, providing inaccurate information in your ITR-3 can lead to penalties and potential legal action. It's crucial to ensure the accuracy of all details you provide while filing.

Yes, e-verification is mandatory for ITR-3 filing. You can e-verify using various methods like Aadhaar OTP, net banking, or EVC received through your registered email or mobile number.
By understanding the intricacies of ITR-3 and following this comprehensive guide, you can ensure a smooth and accurate tax filing process. Remember, consulting a tax professional can provide valuable assistance and peace of mind.