Outstanding Shares

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 19 May, 2023 03:38 PM IST


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When it comes to investing in the stock market, one important concept that investors need to understand is outstanding shares. Outstanding shares refer to the total number of shares of a company's stock that are currently owned by investors, including institutional investors, insiders, and the general public. Understanding outstanding shares is crucial because it can help investors make informed decisions about buying, selling, or holding a particular stock.

What are Outstanding Shares?

Outstanding shares are the total number of shares of a company's stock that are currently owned by investors, including institutional investors, insiders, and the general public. These shares are issued by the company and sold to investors, who become partial owners of the company. Outstanding shares do not include shares that are held in the company's treasury or shares that are authorized but not yet issued.
The number of outstanding shares is important because it can affect the company's market capitalization, earnings per share, and voting power. For example, a company with a large number of outstanding shares will have lower earnings per share than a company with a smaller number of outstanding shares, all else being equal. Additionally, the more outstanding shares a company has, the less control individual shareholders will have over the company's decisions, as each share will represent a smaller percentage of the total outstanding shares.

Basic and Diluted Shares Outstanding

When discussing outstanding shares, it's important to distinguish between basic and diluted shares outstanding. Basic shares outstanding refer to the total number of shares of a company's stock that are currently owned by investors, including institutional investors, insiders, and the general public.
Diluted shares outstanding, on the other hand, take into account the potential impact of options, warrants, convertible debt, and other securities that could be converted into common shares. These securities, if converted, would increase the total number of outstanding shares, diluting the value of existing shares and reducing the earnings per share.
For example, if a company has 1 million basic shares outstanding, but there are also 100,000 stock options that could be converted into common shares, the diluted shares outstanding would be 1.1 million.

Investors and analysts pay attention to both basic and diluted shares outstanding because they can have a significant impact on a company's financial metrics and valuation. The higher the diluted shares outstanding, the more potential dilution of existing shares, which can impact earnings per share and the company's overall financial performance.

Shares Outstanding vs. Treasury Shares

Shares outstanding and treasury shares are two important concepts related to a company's stock ownership structure. Shares outstanding refer to the total number of shares owned by investors, while treasury shares are shares repurchased by the company itself. Treasury shares do not have voting rights and do not receive dividends, but they can be reissued by the company at a later date. 
The main difference between shares outstanding and treasury shares is that shares outstanding represent the total ownership of a company by investors, while treasury shares represent shares held by the company itself. The number of treasury shares a company holds can impact its market capitalization and may provide insight into the company's confidence in its future prospects. Understanding these two concepts is important for investors and analysts as they can affect a company's financial metrics and valuation.

Authorized Shares

Authorized shares refer to the maximum number of shares of a company's stock that the company is allowed to issue. This number is specified in the company's articles of incorporation when it is first formed. The number of authorized shares is typically much larger than the number of outstanding shares, as it includes shares that have not yet been issued or are held in the company's treasury. A company can issue additional shares if it needs to raise more capital or wants to acquire another company, among other reasons. However, the number of authorized shares does not necessarily reflect the number of shares that a company plans to issue.
Investors and analysts pay attention to a company's authorized shares because it can impact the company's potential for future growth and dilution of existing shares. A company with a large number of authorized shares may have more flexibility to issue additional shares in the future, which could dilute the value of existing shares and impact earnings per share. It's important to understand the concept of authorized shares when analyzing a company's stock ownership structure.

Shares Outstanding vs. Floating Shares

Shares outstanding and floating shares are both important measures of a company's stock ownership structure. Shares outstanding refer to the total number of shares that have been issued by the company and are held by investors, including insiders and institutional investors. This number does not change unless the company issues additional shares or engages in share buybacks.
Floating shares, on the other hand, are the shares that are available for trading on the open market. These are the shares that are not held by insiders or institutional investors with long-term holdings, such as pension funds. The difference between shares outstanding and floating shares is that the latter includes only the shares that are available for purchase and sale on the stock market.
Investors and analysts often use the float as a measure of a company's liquidity and trading volume. Companies with a larger float may have more active trading and liquidity, which can be attractive to investors who value liquidity. Additionally, a larger float may make it easier for institutional investors to build or exit positions in the stock without significantly impacting the price.
However, the float can change over time, as insiders and institutional investors may buy or sell shares. When insiders or institutional investors buy shares, they reduce the float, while when they sell shares, they increase the float. This can impact the supply and demand dynamics of a stock and influence its price.

Weighted average shares outstanding

Weighted average shares outstanding is a financial metric that calculates the number of a company's outstanding shares over a specific period of time. It is adjusted to account for any changes in the number of shares outstanding over that time, such as share issuances or repurchases. The calculation involves taking the number of outstanding shares at the beginning of the period, adding or subtracting any shares issued or repurchased during the period, and then multiplying the result by the proportion of the period for which each set of shares was outstanding.
This proportion is calculated based on the number of days during which each set of shares was outstanding. The resulting figure is used to calculate important financial metrics such as earnings per share (EPS) and is required to be disclosed in a company's financial statements. Using the weighted average shares outstanding is considered more accurate than simply using the number of shares outstanding at the end of the period because it accounts for any changes in the number of outstanding shares that occurred during the period.

Can the number of outstanding shares change?

Yes, the number of outstanding shares of a company can change over time. This can happen through processes such as secondary offerings, share buybacks, and stock splits or reverse stock splits. When new shares are issued, the total number of outstanding shares increases, while share buybacks reduce the number of shares outstanding. Stock splits increase the number of outstanding shares, while reverse stock splits decrease the number of outstanding shares. These changes in the number of outstanding shares can have an impact on the company's financial metrics such as earnings per share (EPS) and market capitalization.

Types of outstanding shares

1. Basic outstanding shares

asic outstanding shares refer to the total number of shares issued by a company and held by investors, including shares held by institutional investors, retail investors, insiders, and others. These shares are available for trading in the stock market and are not restricted in any way.
Basic outstanding shares are an important metric that investors use to evaluate the size and performance of a company. This metric is also used in the calculation of other financial metrics such as earnings per share (EPS) and market capitalization.
It is important to note that the number of basic outstanding shares can change over time due to events such as stock issuances or buybacks, and stock splits or reverse stock splits. These changes can have an impact on the company's financial metrics and may affect investor sentiment towards the stock.

2. Fully diluted outstanding shares

Fully diluted outstanding shares is the total number of shares that would be outstanding if all potential shares were exercised or converted into common shares. This includes basic outstanding shares as well as any additional shares that could be created from convertible securities such as options, warrants, and convertible bonds. 
This metric provides a more comprehensive view of a company's market capitalization, earnings per share (EPS), and ownership structure by taking into account the impact of potential dilution on current shareholders. The fully diluted outstanding shares metric can change over time as the potential conversion of convertible securities may vary based on changes in the company's stock price, expiration dates, and other factors.

How to find number of shares outstanding?

To find the number of shares outstanding of a publicly traded company, there are a few sources that investors can refer to. 

1)    Companies usually disclose the number of shares outstanding in their financial statements, such as their balance sheet or income statement. 
2)    Most companies have an investor relations section on their website which provides information on the number of shares outstanding. 
3)    Publicly traded companies are required to file periodic reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which also contain information on the number of shares outstanding. 
4)    Financial news websites such as Yahoo Finance or Google Finance provide real-time data on a company's outstanding shares. 
5)    Stock exchange websites where the company's shares are listed also provide information on shares outstanding. As shares outstanding are an important metric that impacts various financial ratios and metrics, it is essential for investors to know where to find this information.

Share repurchase program

A share repurchase program is when a company buys back its own outstanding shares from the market, reducing the number of shares outstanding. This can be done through open-market purchases or tender offers. Share repurchases are often used as a way for a company to return excess capital to shareholders, boost stock prices, and improve financial ratios.
One of the primary benefits of a share repurchase program is that it signals to the market that the company is confident in its future prospects and that it has excess cash to return to shareholders. This can help to increase investor confidence and improve the company's stock price. However, share repurchases can also be controversial, with critics arguing that they can be used to artificially boost earnings per share (EPS) and executive compensation and that the funds used for buybacks could be better used for investments in growth or paying higher dividends.

Practical Example

Let's say that ABC Corporation has 1,000 outstanding shares of common stock. The stock is trading at Rs.100 per share, giving the company a market capitalization of Rs.100,000.
ABC Corporation launches a share repurchase program to buy back 100 shares of its stock. The company plans to use its cash reserves to fund the buyback.

Over the course of several weeks, ABC Corporation buys back 100 shares on the open market at an average price of Rs.90 per share, spending a total of Rs.9,000.
After the buyback is complete, the company has reduced its number of outstanding shares to 900. This increases existing shareholders' earnings per share (EPS), as the company's profits are now spread across fewer shares.
In addition, the share repurchase program signals to the market that ABC Corporation has confidence in its future prospects and has excess cash to return to shareholders, which may help to boost investor confidence and improve the stock price over time.

Is knowing about outstanding shares really important?

Yes, understanding outstanding shares is important for investors and analysts to evaluate a company's financial health and performance. The number of outstanding shares affects many financial ratios and metrics, such as earnings per share (EPS), the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio), and market capitalization.
For example, a company with a high number of outstanding shares may have a lower EPS, which could affect investor perceptions of the company's profitability. Similarly, the P/E ratio, which is a measure of a company's valuation, can be affected by the number of outstanding shares.

Can outstanding shares help you to make better investment decisions?

Yes, understanding a company's outstanding shares is important for investors to calculate key financial metrics, such as EPS and P/E ratio, and to assess the level of control management has over the company's operations. This information can help investors make informed decisions about whether to buy, hold, or sell a particular stock and provide insight into a company's financial health and performance.

Shares Outstanding vs. Floating Stock

Shares outstanding and floating stock are different concepts that relate to a company's shares. Shares outstanding refer to the total number of shares held by all shareholders, while floating stock refers to the number of shares available for trading in the public market. The difference between outstanding shares and floating stock is the number of shares that are available for public trading. Investors and analysts use both shares outstanding and floating stock to evaluate a company's financial health and performance and to calculate various financial ratios and metrics.

How do stock splits impact shares outstanding?

Stock splits increase the number of outstanding shares of a company by issuing more shares to existing shareholders while maintaining the total value of the shares. The share price decreases proportionally, making it more affordable for individual investors to buy shares. The percentage of ownership for each shareholder remains the same, meaning that the value of each share decreases. Stock splits are a way for companies to increase liquidity and make their shares more accessible to a broader range of investors.


In conclusion, understanding outstanding shares is an important aspect of investing and financial analysis. Shares outstanding, along with other metrics such as earnings per share and price-to-earnings ratio, help investors and analysts evaluate a company's financial health, performance, and potential for growth.
Knowing the number of outstanding shares can help investors assess the impact of stock splits, share buybacks, and other corporate actions on a company's capital structure and stock performance. Additionally, comparing outstanding shares to floating stock can give insights into a company's supply and demand dynamics in the stock market.
Overall, having a clear understanding of outstanding shares and other financial metrics can help investors make informed decisions and maximize their returns in the stock market.

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